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The General Assembly reinforces the leadership of Chambre de commerce et d'industrie Franco Indienne!

The Chamber's General Assembly and review of the activities of the Chambre de Commerce et d’Industrie Franco Indienne (CCIFI) for 2023 was held at Ecole Ducasse in Meudon on May 28, 2024.

President Bénédicte Brouard provided a detailed overview of the Chamber's activities, emphasizing the various business, networking, and cultural events organized throughout the year. General Secretary Jean-Luc Barlet presented the positive financial outlook, highlighting the Chamber's strong fiscal health. Future strategies and the Chamber's activity roadmap were also outlined to the attendees.

👏 The assembly was honored to host special guest Priyanka Rajkakati, who shared her award-winning approach to integrating art and aerospace. As an Artist and Aerospace Engineer (Ph.D.), Priyanka captivated the audience with her inspiring journey—from winning the school "all-rounder" award to being featured on Forbes India 30 Under 30 list a decade later. Her story of combining science, art, and space to pursue a childhood dream was particularly motivating. She has been a speaker during the last French Indian Young Talents Program

CCIFI is dedicated to showcasing young talents and creative minds poised to shape the future of Franco-Indian relations. The Chamber’s French-Indian Young Talents program continues to attract numerous candidates and has become a resounding success. This program is an operational tool that aims to build a robust alumni network in both India and France, fostering shared values. The next session is scheduled for early December in Mumbai, maintaining the same spirit of connecting young talents with extraordinary leaders, change-makers, and innovators from both nations.

The General Assembly also made several important decisions regarding the leadership and structure of the CCIFI:

After the Renewal of some Key Positions and the expansion of Bureau Members to six members, resulting in a by-law amendment, the executive Bureau is now :

🖊 Bénédicte Brouard, President

🖊Jean-Luc Barlet, General Secretary

🖊 Pierre-Marie RELECOM, Vice-President & Treasurer

🖊 Coumar ANANDA, Vice President

🖊 Amit Pathare, Vice-President

🖊 Hina Wadhwa, Vice president

The general assembly expresses a warm welcome to Coumar ANANDA as the newest member of the Bureau/Executive Board.

Séverine Lafourcade Head of Strategic Stakeholder Relationships at TCS France is  appointed to the CCIFI Advisory Board. We warmly welcome her and we are thankful to TCS France’s strong support to CCIFI initiatives 🙏🏼

The assembly reaffirmed CCIFI's unwavering commitment to strengthening business and cultural ties between France and India 🇫🇷 🤝 🇮🇳 

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                                                             135 Rue de Billancourt

                                                         92100 Boulogne-Billancourt

Association Loi 1901 – N° W751066165

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